How to Make a Jewelry/ Earring Hanger Using a Frame

I’ve seen this idea a few other places, but it was finally time for me to put it into practice!

Here are some key tips I wish I had known before I set out:

* They do not sell the wire mesh at Michael’s.  Your best bet is a hardware store like Ace.  That’s where I found mine.

* It is not necessary to use a staple gun to attach the mesh. Hot glue works just fine. I found out that the staple gun did not work very well for me. The staple kept hitting the wire mesh and going all over the place and I just had to pull all the staples out. HOT GLUE! Lots of it!

*Attach the wire mesh to the inside edge of the frame.  You know, the groove where you would normally set a picture in if you were using the frame for actual frame purposes. If you just staple/glue the wire mesh to the back, the earring wires will not have extra room behind the mesh to hang.

But don’t get me wrong, it actually is a pretty easy  and quick project if you do it right the first time.  Which you can, using those tips I just gave you.  I had to take mine apart a few times. :/


So you need:

1.) Hot glue gun (or a staple gun if you are feeling adventurous)

2.) Frame.  I painted an 8×10 inch frame. Minus the glass and backing and stuff.

3.) Wire Mesh.  Or screen. Or something of that variety.

That’s it!

-Cut out a piece of wire mesh that entirely fits the inside groove area in the frame.  Just like if you were putting a photo in there.

-Glue said mesh in place. I put the mesh in first, then layered lots of hot glue on top and all around to keep it in there!

..And that’s it!  See? it’s really simple.  I promise.

How to Make a Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Necklace

Usually I am not this much of a nerd, but since the last Harry Potter movie was coming out, I figured I would celebrate.   This necklace is pretty easy and inexpensive to make, given you have many of the standard jewelery-making tools at hand.  If you don’t think you are up to the task, I can make one for you: .  If my listing has expired, still send me a message!

Ok, so here is how you can make your OWN Harry Potter necklace.

Items needed:

Jewelry making tools: wire cutters, flat-nosed pliers and needle nose pliers.

20 gauge wire (16 inches is about enough, however I used 22 inches just to be safe)

24 gauge wire

chain (I used about 24 inches)

2 jumprings

1 headpin

red bead and small gold/yellow bead

Jewelry Jig for bending the wire (found at Michaels/JoAnns)

How to Make It:

Use the Thing-a-ma-Jig to create the template for the Pendant.  I used the small sized Thing-a-ma-jig and placed my pegs like this:

Note: If you do not have a thing-a-ma-jig, you can just use your fingers to bend the wire.  The Thing-a-ma-Jig helps to keep a regular, even shape for the wire.

Now, start by cutting off 15 to 22 inches of the 20 gauge wire.  Using the round nose and flat head pliers, make a loop at one end.  The loop needs to be big enough to fit on one of the Jig pegs.

Put the loop on the bottom middle peg of the Jig.  Then bend the wire around as so, to form the triangle:

Then bend the wire around to make the circle.  Don’t bend the wire around the pegs too tightly or the circle will end up square.  Lightly follow the pegs, leaving the inner circle big enough so that the edges come close the the edges of the triangle.  When you get back around to the middle peg, pull the wire straight up the Jig to form the Elder Wand line.

Do not cut off the extra piece of big wire here!  We will come back to it at the end.

Now cut off 4 inches or so of the 24 gauge wire and wrap in around both one edge of the triangle and the edge of the circle.  Then do the same on the other side.  It should look like this:  (Here, I haven’t cut off the extra ends of wire on the left wrapping.  But you do need to cut them off, like what is done on the right side)

Now time to focus on the bottom of the pendant.  Flip it over.  You need to get rid of that loop at the bottom.  To do this, use the round nose pliers to unloop the loop.

Here is what the undone loop looks like.  Not so pretty.

Now you use the flat nosed pliers to straighten this out.  Put a ugly, kinked piece of wire in the pliers like so

This flattens out the ugly wire so it can lay flat with the other wires at the bottom in order to be wrapped nicely with them.  Here is what the flattened wire looks like after.

Now you need to secure the bottom.  Sometimes it gets pretty tricky because all the parts are moving in and out of place.  Occasionally I will put a dot of Gorilla Super Glue on the bottom pieces where I know the wrappings will cover, just to keep all the piece still while I wrap it in place.  It’s sort of like using wood glue before you nail the pieces together.

On the side with the Elder Wand which bends around, you need to wrap the 3 wires together.  For the wrapping, you will again use the 24 gauge wire.   On the other side of the pendant, there are only 2 to wrap.  Wrap them!

Like this!  Cut off the loose ends of the short wire.

See that extra piece of wire sticking out that was part of the loop?  Cut off the part that you can see, leaving the rest of it tucked in with the wrapping.

Now it’s time to address that long piece of extra wire at the top.  Wrap it around the top of the triangle once so the two are connected.  Then make a loop at the top with the round nose pliers.  Cut off the excess.

Holding the loop on the top of the pendant centered, use a six inch of so piece of 24 gauge wire to wrap around the top of the pendant, from the very base of the loop to just at the top of the triangle.  This holds the top loop part centered on the top of the pendant.

Now the pendant is done.  To finish the necklace, take a headpin and put the beads on it.  Loop the end and attach it to the jumpring.  Attach the jumpring to the loop of the pendant.

Then put the chain through the loop on the top of the pendant (not the jump ring).  Attach the clasp using a jump ring on one side (the clasp side usually has a tiny jumpring attached which can be connected through the chain).  (If not, you will have to use a jump ring on both sides of the clasp.)  Anyway, attach the clasp to both ends of the chain.

Wah-la!  Now you have your own Deathly Hallows Necklace!  You can use the same method to make earrings, key chains, or other Deathly Hallows paraphernalia.